Carpets often get stained due to everyday use. The type of stain can vary from a spilled beverage to pet accidents, but regardless of the source, knowing how to identify and treat each type of stain is essential for getting your carpets back to looking like new. Understanding the different types of stains, as well as when professional Carpet Cleaning in Geelong is necessary, can help you tackle even the toughest carpet stains. 

Identifying Types of Stains 

The most common types of carpet stains are water-based stains like food, drinks, mud, and paint; oil-based stains such as grease, lipstick, and crayon; protein-based stains like blood and pet urine; tannin stains such as coffee or tea; and organic material like vomit or feces. Knowing which type of stains you’re dealing with is important because it will determine how best to clean it up.  

Cleaning Different Types of Stains 

  • For water-based stains, start by blotting up any excess liquid with a clean cloth or paper towel. Then mix a solution of 1/4 teaspoon dishwashing liquid in one-quart warm water. Blot this onto the area using the same method used before. Work from the outside in so that you don’t spread the stain further into the carpet fibers. Rinse with clear water and blot dry again until all residue is gone.
  • For oil-based spills such as grease or makeup, absorb any excess with a cloth or paper towel then sprinkle baking soda on top (this also works great for pet accidents). Let it sit for at least 15 minutes before vacuuming up the powdery residue—it should lift some of the grease right out! 
  • For protein-based messes like blood or vomit, first remove any solids then blot up any remaining liquid with a cloth or paper towel. Follow that by dabbing the area with cold water and white vinegar until all residue is gone then rinse again with cold water and blot dry one last time. 
  • Finally, for tannin spots like coffee or tea use club soda (not regular soda) on a cloth to blot up any excess liquid then apply detergent directly onto the spot before rinsing off thoroughly with cold water and drying completely once more.    

Professional Cleaning Help 

No matter how careful you are about cleaning spills immediately after they happen there may come a time when your carpets need professional cleaning help to get them looking good as new again. Professional Carpet Cleaning in Geelong can offer deep cleaning services that go beyond just surface level dirt removal—they have access to industrial grade equipment that gets deep down into your carpets removing years’ worth of built-up dirt and bacteria leaving them looking brighter than ever! 

They’ll also be able to spot treat specific problem areas that may have been missed during regular vacuuming sessions ensuring every inch of your floor looks fantastic once they’re done! 


Homeowners know all too well how difficult it can be dealing with stubborn carpet stains on a daily basis - whether they're from pets accidents, spilled beverages or anything else - but understanding which type of stain needs which treatment can make tackling them much easier! 

Not only that but professional cleaners can help if you find yourself overwhelmed by tough messes - giving your carpets an extra deep clean using industrial grade equipment so they look better than ever before! So next time you find yourself staring down at an ugly carpet stain don't despair - take comfort in knowing there's always something you can do about it!


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