When Do You Need To Contact A Carpet Cleaning Service Right Away?

You should always take care of your carpets. They're the biggest investment you can make in your home, so if they look dirty or worn out, all that money you spent on them is going to be wasted. 

You could hire a professional carpet cleaning service in Geelong to do the job for you and make sure your carpets stay in good condition for years to come. But what signs indicate that it's time for an emergency cleaning? When should you call the professionals?

Human or pet urine

If you have any concerns about the carpet, it's best to contact a professional immediately. This is particularly true for urine stains, which can be very difficult to remove and may cause permanent damage if not treated quickly.

If your dog or cat urinates on the floor, you should call in a professional carpet cleaner right away. The sooner you treat pet urine stains, the better chance there is of removing them completely without causing any further damage to your carpeting.


When you have a carpet cleaning service clean your carpets, they will look great, but if there is mold growth on the fibers of your carpeting, it could be a sign that there is hidden water damage in your home.

 This type of damage can lead to health issues for you and your family. If you notice any kind of unusual odor coming from anywhere in your house, this may also be an indication that there are problems with mold.

Mold grows when there is moisture present on surfaces where it can grow indoors or outdoors; therefore, it can occur on any surface where there has been previous flooding or even just high levels of humidity due to living conditions such as excessive rain or having dryer vents located in unventilated areas near windows.

carpet cleaning service in Geelong

Torn or frayed carpet

Torn or frayed carpet can be a tripping hazard and cause the carpet to deteriorate faster, which is why it's important to address these issues right away. 

The sooner you fix the problem, the better your chances are at preserving the life of your flooring. Plus, torn or frayed carpet looks unsightly and can indicate that there may be more serious problems within your home (like mold).

A musty odor

A musty odor is a sign of mold and mildew, which can be extremely harmful to your health. If you notice this type of smell in your carpet, it's best to call a professional cleaning service right away.

Mold and mildew are often caused by excessive moisture, so if the air conditioning system in your home isn't working properly or there is moisture seeping into the walls from outside sources (like rainwater), then this could lead to an increase risk for developing mold spores inside your home.

This type of growth can cause allergies and asthma attacks as well as respiratory problems such as pneumonia or bronchitis if exposed over time

Flood damage

Flood damage is one of the most serious issues you can face as a homeowner. Water damage can cause mold and mildew growth, discoloration of your carpet fibers, warping of your carpeting and shrinkage.

 If you suspect any of these problems after a flood or other water-related issue has occurred in your home, contact a professional immediately to have it fixed before it gets out of control.


In the end, it’s up to you to decide when it’s time to call a professional carpet cleaning service in Geelong. But we hope this list has given you some good ideas that will help you decide whether or not now is the right time for your carpet!


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